CodexMCP: Automation Foundation Complete

Over the last few blog posts, we’ve broken down every key component of CodexMCP’s core infrastructure automation. From configuring logging servers to fine-tuning database deployments, we’ve dissected every challenge along the way.

Now, with all of this automation in place, it only took 6 minutes to bootstrap the entire system core. The VMs were built from a template, the OS installed, the system configured, and initialized across five virtual machines

The Core of CodexMCP

CodexMCP is designed to be a hybrid database-driven system where OpenSearch and MariaDB work in sync. These are the two pillars that support everything else. Every service, every integration, every automation—all of it runs on top of this foundation.

With a single command, the entire system now builds itself from the ground up. The automation handles:

  • Provisioning and configuring five VMs
  • Deploying a 3-node OpenSearch cluster
  • Setting up a centralized logging server
  • Configuring MariaDB with full remote access
  • Ensuring that logs, indices, and tables are properly initialized

And the best part? It all just works.

The Moment It All Came Together

After all the setup, the real test was running go run main.go --initialize. This was the final step—the moment when every piece had to fit together perfectly.

OpenSearch Host:  
2025/02/16 23:47:28 Successfully connected to OpenSearch  
OpenSearch connection verified successfully!  
Running initial setup...  
Starting initial setup...  
Table 'users' ensured.  
Table 'roles' ensured.  
Table 'user_roles' ensured.  
Table 'devices' ensured.  
Table 'api_keys' ensured.  
Table 'categories' ensured.  
Table 'tags' ensured.  
MySQL tables initialized.  
Admin role created.  
Enter admin username: adminuser  
Enter admin email:  
Enter admin password: adminpass
Admin user created successfully.  
OpenSearch index 'codexmcp_kbarticles' created successfully.  
OpenSearch index 'codexmcp_kbcomments' created successfully.  
OpenSearch index 'codexmcp_mainlogs' created successfully.  
OpenSearch indices initialized successfully.  
Initial setup completed successfully!  

Every database table and OpenSearch index was created exactly as expected. The system was fully initialized and ready to go.

A second run confirmed that everything was persistent—no missing tables, failed connections, or inconsistencies.

System is complete. All required OpenSearch indices and MySQL tables exist.  
Running auth handler  
Starting CodexMCP server at http://localhost:8080  

With that, CodexMCP is fully operational.

What Comes Next

Now that the foundation is in place, the real work begins. With the core infrastructure running, the next steps will focus on:

  • Expanding the API functionality
  • Implementing real-world ISP integrations
  • Enhancing automation for service management

The hardest part is now behind us.

From here, it’s all about building on top of this foundation. The future of CodexMCP starts now.

-Hard work pays off; do it yourself
--Bryan Vest