How to Become a Procrastination Ninja: Mastering The Art of Doing Anything Else

How to Become a Procrastination Ninja: Mastering The Art of Doing Anything Else

Welcome, grasshopper, to the ancient and sacred art of procrastination. In this dojo of delay, you will learn the secret techniques passed down through generations of masters who have honed the skill of doing absolutely nothing of importance while looking incredibly busy. By the end of this training, you will achieve the highest rank: Procrastination Ninja. Ready to start? No? Perfect, you’re already on the path.

Step 1: The "Just One More Episode" Technique

The journey begins with the most fundamental move in the Procrastination Ninja's arsenal: the "Just One More Episode" technique. Start with a task you know you need to complete, like finishing that report due tomorrow. Now, open your favorite streaming service. Your mission? Convince yourself that watching one more episode won’t hurt. Before you know it, you’re eight episodes deep, it’s 3 AM, and the report is as untouched as your gym membership.

Step 2: The "Organize Your Desk for Optimum Inefficiency" Stance

A true Procrastination Ninja knows that a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind. So, instead of tackling your to-do list, spend the next three hours rearranging your desk. Move your stapler three inches to the left, then back again. Color-code your pens, but only after googling the psychological effects of each color. By the end, your desk will look exactly the same, but you’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something. Spoiler: You haven’t.

Step 3: The "Deep Clean the Fridge" Kata

Ah, the fridge. A treasure trove of distractions. When faced with a pressing deadline, it’s time to bust out the "Deep Clean the Fridge" kata. This involves pulling out every item, checking expiration dates, and scrubbing the shelves until they gleam. You may even discover a science experiment in the back that you started months ago. Congratulations! You’ve now wasted two hours and have successfully avoided your responsibilities. Bonus points if you start baking cookies right afterward because you "just cleaned the fridge."

Step 4: The "Social Media Spiral of Doom" Throw

Social media is the shuriken of procrastination, small but deadly. Begin by "just checking" your notifications. Scroll through your feed, click on a funny video, and then another. Suddenly, you’re watching a tutorial on how to make sushi from scratch even though you don’t have rice, fish, or the slightest interest in making sushi. Two hours later, you emerge from the spiral, dazed and confused, with nothing to show for it except an uncontrollable urge to like, share, and subscribe.

Step 5: The "Research the Most Pointless Thing Possible" Maneuver

Procrastination Ninjas are masters of research… on completely irrelevant topics. Need to draft an important email? Nope. Time to find out if penguins have knees. Should you be preparing for a presentation? Absolutely not. You should be investigating the history of spoons. These deep dives into useless information will not only fill your brain with trivia no one asked for but will also ensure that nothing of value gets done today.

Step 6: The "Sudden Urge to Exercise" Strike

Exercise is important, but for a Procrastination Ninja, it’s a last-ditch effort to avoid work. When all other techniques have been exhausted, and you’re dangerously close to being productive, suddenly decide that now is the perfect time to start a new workout regimen. Spend 45 minutes searching for the ideal 10-minute workout, followed by a thorough warm-up routine, which includes napping, stretching, and drinking water. By the time you’re ready to start, you’ll be too tired, and it’ll be time to "get back to work" – which you won't.

Step 7: The "Phantom Urgency" Technique

This advanced move involves convincing yourself that something entirely unrelated to your task is of the utmost importance. For example, do you suddenly feel the need to alphabetize your spice rack? Or maybe you just remembered that you haven’t backed up your photos in three years? These phantom urgencies will provide you with the perfect excuse to put off your real work indefinitely.

Step 8: The "Plan Your Day Tomorrow" Finisher

Finally, end your training with the "Plan Your Day Tomorrow" finisher. This involves creating a detailed schedule of everything you’ll accomplish… tomorrow. Spend hours crafting the perfect to-do list, complete with time blocks, priority levels, and motivational quotes. By the time you finish planning, there will be no time left to actually do anything, and you’ll have a perfect excuse to put it all off until the next day.


Congratulations, you have now mastered the art of procrastination! You are officially a Procrastination Ninja, skilled in the ways of avoidance, delay, and distraction. You’ve learned to do everything except what you should be doing, and you’ve done it all with style. Now, go forth and procrastinate… but maybe finish this blog post first. Or don’t. There’s always tomorrow.