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Rediscovering the Joy of Just Because

Welcome to my digital playground, where the only rule is that there are absolutely no rules. Here, I’m turning back the clock to a time when tech was all about fun and exploration, long before it became my profession. Let’s rewind to 1985—back to the days of my first computer, a Commodore Vic 20. It was love at first type. I was the kid who couldn’t stop tinkering, pushing buttons just to see what they’d do.

My childhood and teen years were a blur of Amiga 500s, Amiga 1000s, and the clunky yet beloved 8088s through to the 80386s. I was a power experimenter—a tester of limits, a pusher of boundaries. Technology wasn’t just a hobby; it was a passion, a wild frontier that was all mine to explore.

Then, as often happens, life took a turn. My passion for experimenting with computers morphed into a career. I became an ISP Linux admin, where the stakes were higher and the networks were bigger. It was thrilling, in its own right, to wield such knowledge and responsibility. But somewhere along the line, my work became just that—work. The playful curiosity that once drove me began to dim beneath the serious, exacting demands of my job.

Fast forward to now, and here I am, launching this site—a space where I’ve decided to recapture the joy of those early days. Here, I don’t care about being perfect or meeting industry standards. This isn’t about client specs or uptime guarantees. It’s about waking up that eager kid who once unboxed a Commodore Vic 20 and felt like he could conquer the world.

So, what can you expect from this no-holds-barred tech haven? One day might bring a deep dive into retro tech, celebrating the machines of my early days. Another day, I might explore the cutting-edge of today’s technology, just to see how far we’ve come. And sometimes, I might just write a story, because why not? There’s no agenda here, no rhyme or reason—just a return to the pure, exhilarating chaos of creation.

This site is my rebellion against the meticulous precision required in my professional life. It’s a return to the roots of what made me love technology in the first place: endless curiosity and the freedom to experiment. Here, Comic Sans isn’t just a font choice; it’s a symbol of my newfound freedom from conventional expectations.

To those who find themselves on this site, expect the unexpected. This is where I merge my deep-seated love for all things tech with the whimsical, carefree spirit I’ve longed to reclaim. It’s messy, it’s unpredictable, and it’s a whole lot of fun.

Thanks for joining me on this journey back to the heart of my tech passion. Here, we’re not just revisiting the past; we’re redefining what it means to be passionate about technology today. And as for perfection? It’s left at the door—this is all about rediscovering joy, one post at a time.